onsdag den 27. februar 2008

Done for the weekend, almoste

Yet an other workweek is over for the Inspiration Tour group and a lot of things have happened the past four days.
We have finally worked out a structure for the concept, theory is in the box, budgets have been hammered out, visuals have been developed, and meeting have been held with Confucius Says.

We, together with David have also settled the theme for this specific tour: SOCIAL INNOVATION and the tour has been named “The Unexpected”!
In order to move on with the task of figuring out what to do with our participants while they explore innovation over a three-day tour with us, we made a really good brainstorm. Nicklas facilitated the newly invented model for the brainstorm, we wrote down adjectives for the KaosPilot and Shanghai. The notes were divided into two bags, and then we had to go “on stage”, take a note from each bag and come up with a concept/task for the tour. It went very well and we now have over 30 ideas of what we can do on the tour.

Yesterday, Christian was sent on a mission on behalf of the group to the Danish Consulate and mingled with both Danish designers and journalists. He came back with a bunch of business cards in his back pocket and a promise of an article in a major Danish Newspaper about us. We are very excited!

For next week we have prepared for all the research that will be done. The week has been named the “Doing” week, as we’re off to look at locations, create processes, etc.
It’s going to be a hectic and interesting week – very much looking forward to that!

Have a great weekend!

Define Social innovation...

Thursday, February 28th we had a task to present a "one sentence definition" of our individual perception on what Social Innovation is. These were the results:

Nicklas Høg: 
"An innovative initiative that meets a need of a group of people".

Thomas Gjerulff: 
"New initiatives in society from all sectors that creates social change and development".

Daniel Seifter:
"A new commited act, initiated by any sector or man that solves an unmet social need, defined by the ones it impacts".

Hedvig Høysæter:
"Making money in a good way".

Torben Brandt:
"People in need becomes entrepreneurs, with a potential of becoming makers of social innovation".

Karen Steinfeld:
"Social innovation is taking a problem/task and make a new spinn to solve it. The incentive for social innovation in east: money, in west: social benefits".

Christian Stoltze:
"A new and genuine win-win-win situation where both sides as well as the surrounding world are winners".

What is your definition? Write us a comment and we'll take on the dialouge!

tirsdag den 26. februar 2008

Update First Week

We have finally arrived in Shanghai as a team for our Outpost 2008!
After two weeks of settling in, sleeping on concrete beds, trying to improve our little yet helpful Mandarin skills and figuring how to hail a cab – we have finally started the project we’re here for. Namely to create a concept for an exploration tour for KaosWork! Most excitingly we will create a pilot tour for the concept while in Shanghai.

Last week was our first workweek. The group, Hedvig, Karen, Torben, Daniel, Christian, Thomas and Nicklas gathered to touch base the first day, brushing up on our preject and laying out the turf of where we were stood with upcoming tasks, meetings, etc.

The entire team met with a company called Confucius Says (http://www.confuciussays.cc) on Wednesday 20th April. The two owners Ben and Phil run the company, which basically creates the bridge between Western businesses and the Chinese community. Their specialty is networking through new media. Very exciting stuff! They will also be our sparring partners for the exploration tour. We have two scheduled meetings with them already.

On Thursday we went on a guided tour with Michael Mao. He’s an English Business Major at a university here in Shanghai and works as a guide too.
We showed us around Old Town and French Concession. It was not the tour as such that was most exciting, but the fact that we could ask Michael any question and he would gladly explain it to us from a Chinese perspective. Our realization after the day was that the mindsets between West and East are huge but we still get along and can find a common level to talk about anything in society. It was great to make friends with such an open guy as Michael is!

Since we only have four-day working weeks we have decided to use the Scrum facilitation model (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrum_(development)
This will enable us to take on tasks as we go along and work individually with them. We’re starting to get into the production phase of the project, collecting data, places, develop processes etc for the concept – so we need to utilize all our capacities. Very excited about trying out new ways of facilitation!

Okay, that was all for last weeks work load. Check out the pictures below!

Our workstation

The group in front of Shanghai Museum

Michael Mao - our guide

Navigating through the Old Town

onsdag den 20. februar 2008

Explore - Reveal - Learn

Who we are?

As part of the KaosPilot education, we as students have gotten the opportunity to spread our wings and use our skills in another context than we are used to, enabling us to learn about cultural diversities by interacting with it. On February 4th, 2008, we landed in Shanghai to develop an “Exploration Tour” in Shanghai.

What are we doing?

Our task as students is to create a concept for an exploration tour in Shanghai and discover the different stages the concept requires in order to make it long lasting and sustainable experience. The purpose of this tour is to inspire the participants in new and innovative way around the subject social innovation. 

The approach we use while designing this tour includes head, hand and heart. We believe that to create sustainable inspiration we need to challenge the participants intellectually, touch their heart and give them physical experiences, which will last a lifetime.

Come along

The Shanghai Exploration tour will take place April 18th – 20th 2008 in Shanghai China. The tour can be seen as an urban treasure hunt filled with reflection, process and informal magic. Lets create something together. Lets create new lenses for our eyes!