onsdag den 27. februar 2008

Define Social innovation...

Thursday, February 28th we had a task to present a "one sentence definition" of our individual perception on what Social Innovation is. These were the results:

Nicklas Høg: 
"An innovative initiative that meets a need of a group of people".

Thomas Gjerulff: 
"New initiatives in society from all sectors that creates social change and development".

Daniel Seifter:
"A new commited act, initiated by any sector or man that solves an unmet social need, defined by the ones it impacts".

Hedvig Høysæter:
"Making money in a good way".

Torben Brandt:
"People in need becomes entrepreneurs, with a potential of becoming makers of social innovation".

Karen Steinfeld:
"Social innovation is taking a problem/task and make a new spinn to solve it. The incentive for social innovation in east: money, in west: social benefits".

Christian Stoltze:
"A new and genuine win-win-win situation where both sides as well as the surrounding world are winners".

What is your definition? Write us a comment and we'll take on the dialouge!

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