onsdag den 20. februar 2008

Explore - Reveal - Learn

Who we are?

As part of the KaosPilot education, we as students have gotten the opportunity to spread our wings and use our skills in another context than we are used to, enabling us to learn about cultural diversities by interacting with it. On February 4th, 2008, we landed in Shanghai to develop an “Exploration Tour” in Shanghai.

What are we doing?

Our task as students is to create a concept for an exploration tour in Shanghai and discover the different stages the concept requires in order to make it long lasting and sustainable experience. The purpose of this tour is to inspire the participants in new and innovative way around the subject social innovation. 

The approach we use while designing this tour includes head, hand and heart. We believe that to create sustainable inspiration we need to challenge the participants intellectually, touch their heart and give them physical experiences, which will last a lifetime.

Come along

The Shanghai Exploration tour will take place April 18th – 20th 2008 in Shanghai China. The tour can be seen as an urban treasure hunt filled with reflection, process and informal magic. Lets create something together. Lets create new lenses for our eyes!

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