onsdag den 27. februar 2008

Done for the weekend, almoste

Yet an other workweek is over for the Inspiration Tour group and a lot of things have happened the past four days.
We have finally worked out a structure for the concept, theory is in the box, budgets have been hammered out, visuals have been developed, and meeting have been held with Confucius Says.

We, together with David have also settled the theme for this specific tour: SOCIAL INNOVATION and the tour has been named “The Unexpected”!
In order to move on with the task of figuring out what to do with our participants while they explore innovation over a three-day tour with us, we made a really good brainstorm. Nicklas facilitated the newly invented model for the brainstorm, we wrote down adjectives for the KaosPilot and Shanghai. The notes were divided into two bags, and then we had to go “on stage”, take a note from each bag and come up with a concept/task for the tour. It went very well and we now have over 30 ideas of what we can do on the tour.

Yesterday, Christian was sent on a mission on behalf of the group to the Danish Consulate and mingled with both Danish designers and journalists. He came back with a bunch of business cards in his back pocket and a promise of an article in a major Danish Newspaper about us. We are very excited!

For next week we have prepared for all the research that will be done. The week has been named the “Doing” week, as we’re off to look at locations, create processes, etc.
It’s going to be a hectic and interesting week – very much looking forward to that!

Have a great weekend!

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